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July 17, 2023

Alumni Meet 2023 of Orenburg State Medical University, Russian House in New Delhi

On July 14, 2023, as part of his two-day visit to India, Prof. Igor Miroschnichenko, the Rector of Orenburg State Medical University, Mr. Oleg Osipov, Director of the Russian House in New Delhi, along with other Russian Delegates, had a delightful experience reflecting on the journey of the university's graduates. The Alumni meet took place at the Russian House in New Delhi and was organized by Rus Education in collaboration with Orenburg State Medical University, Russia. The event provided a prime opportunity for the former students of OrSMU to come together, renew connections, and reminisce about their shared past with colleagues and friends. It became a cherished moment for the alumni who attended, as the atmosphere overflowed with joy, warmth, and a rekindling of networks among old friends and acquaintances.
